Although most of the planning was done easily funding the project
was bit difficult. In order to do so a ticket was sold among the pubic to
collect donations from the people. All the colleagues of 13th batch
Civil Department helped in funding this.
The schools were bit far away from the Walimada town and reaching
the schools were bit difficult. But the beauty of the nature made us forget all
the difficulties we had.
The seminars were due to start at 8am onward until 4pm afternoon.
The first day was planned to do seminar on science and English and the second
date was focused on Mathematics.
Separate papers for each subtopics of the science subject was given
and three different colleagues conducted the seminar and others were helping to
do so. After the seminar tutorials were distributed to the students for
practice until the exams.
Due to lack of time English seminar was as a two part seminar and 1st
part and the evening of the first day and morning at the second date. 1st
day it was mainly about grammar and 2nd day was about how to collect
marks easily and the parts that should have a special care.
The main target was on the second date was mathematics and important
points were discussed firstly and later every student was given a mentor to
improve their knowledge and to reduce the mistakes of those children. Weaker
students were given special attention rather than learning new things they were
taught to reduce the mistakes there were doing.
All together there were 30 or
40 groups which was more effective.

At the end after a simple ceremony books were given to the
principles of the two schools. The principle in his speech thanks all the
organizers for their massive effort and dedicating their useful time on these
children. He encouraged us to do there seminars all around the country. And
also told that he will monitor the children on doing the tutorials.

A parent in his speech thanked
everyone with for helping their children and most of them are farmers and
society think that their children should be farmers after them.
But we changed
that attitude on their mind. We requested the students to give a feedback on
our seminar and everyone were thankful for our cause and encouraged us to carry
on in big scale.
We are hoping an improvement on their life and their studies and we
are hoping to do the same next year with a much more advanced plan with the
experiences gained from this project.
All together this can be said as the most successful project done by
the Civil 13th batch and we are hoping to continue this humanitarian
projects. And thankful for all the colleagues who helped in organizing
participating for this project.