Faith in Humanity,
Restored - METH MIHIRA

Being Human. You can't be a good Civil
Engineer if you aren't a good Human. In the hectic academic schedule, Civil
Engineering students rarely get a chance to showcase their Humanitarian side.
Civil Engineering society of UOM decided to hold a program called "Meth
Mihira" for physically and Mentally Challenged kids of “Meth Mihira center
". Mora Civil students brought students from the aforementioned school and
spent a day with them.
"Spending time with someone is the best way of saying I love you”
Organizing a program like this is no mean feat; Yet Civil Engineering Society's organizing committee overcame all the difficulties with the help of all the students from the department. Without the help of the students, it couldn't have been achieved.
from "Meth Mihira center" came to UOM in the early morning of "14/12/2013".
Kids were accompanied by the Mora civil students to the Civil Auditorium where
they were provided with Breakfast.
Now that the stomach is full, kids and the students of Mora civil were treated with a feast for the eyes. Both of them separately and jointly participated in many dance and drama events.
After the event, kids were brought out to
the lobby where they were given papers with letters "M-E-T-H-M-I-H-I-R-A”.
They started to paint the letters with the crayons that were given to them. All
the kids took part in it with great amount of enthusiasm. Except few young
boys, who took blasting balloons with their legs as their main job. Mora Civil
students continuously gave balloons for them to blast it just so they can see
the smile in their faces.
A Sri Lankan function isn't complete
without a game of Cricket. After coloring Meth Mihira, male kids played cricket
against Mora Civil students while female kids accompanied by the girls of Mora
Civil where they had fun activities like singing and dancing. Kids showed
exceptional talent while playing cricket and blasted Mora Civil bowling attack
to all parts of the grounds. After a scintillating hour of Cricket Kids were
provided with lunch in the common room.
And fun doesn't end there. After having lunch fun resumed, as they had Karaoke songs, dances and songs for another hour. After which they were taken to the bus. It was all too emotional around the bus as both the kids and undergraduates bid farewell to each other. ‘11 batch donated several essential items which included a printer, scanner and sawing materials etc.
Bringing the students to the
university and spending time with them and showing them there are people who
care about them, kids saw that world isn't that bad after all. It was a
successful event from Mora Civil.
Faith in the Humanity, Restored.